Dear Buckaroos,

As many of you are aware there has been a lot of news coverage and discussion regarding the status of the coronavirus (COVID-19) and what steps should be taken as a nation moving forward. We wanted to share with you the steps our district is taking at this time.  As the Centers for Disease Control (CDC) emphasized, there is not currently a coronavirus pandemic in the United States. However, given how quickly the global situation is evolving, we want to reassure you that we are monitoring new developments and will continue to reevaluate our steps and actions daily.

Below are some general guidelines to help prevent the spread of illnesses.

  • CDC recommends getting the flu vaccine.
  • We are asking all staff and students who are feeling ill to stay home until they recover.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with the bend of your arm not your hands.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces or objects.
  • Wash hands often and for 20 seconds.

Guidance from the CDC for those potentially exposed to Coronavirus:

Any travelers (students / staff) who have returned within the last 14 days from China, South Korea, Italy, Iran, and Japan should be monitored, should stay home and avoid contact with other people as much as possible.  After 14 days symptom free, these people can return to work or school.

It is important to remember that handling the spread of a serious illness like the coronavirus is primarily a task for public health agencies. Any directives from the World Health Organization, CDC, or local governmental organizations should be followed.

We appreciate your efforts to follow the guidelines listed above and want you to know we will be monitoring developments and communicating with the community and school family as needed.

Go Bucks!

Jason Black, Superintendent of Schools