Dear Buckaroos,

I wanted to take a moment to make you aware of the latest information we received today regarding the coronavirus (COVID 19) and acknowledge questions regarding school closings. Local school boards and school superintendents have been told that the Arkansas Department of Education (ADE), in consultation with the Arkansas Department of Health, shall provide guidance to local school districts to address concerns related to the virus and take all actions necessary to ensure the continuation of education.

The Secretary of Health, in consultation with the Secretary of Education, shall have sole authority to close public school campuses throughout the state for reasons related to COVID-19

As stated in previous correspondence, we will continually be monitoring this situation for new developments and/ or actions directed by the state. In the event that schools are closed, you will receive an all call notification and information will be posted to the website and blog.

In addition to our communication, the Arkansas Department of Education also provides information and updates related to the coronavirus consistently at

As a precaution, the Arkansas Athletic Association (AAA) which governs high school athletics has cancelled all athletic events beginning March 15 – March 30. Furthermore, SNSD will continue to evaluate school-sponsored travel plans and ask school-district employees to consider risks associated with their personal travel plans, including spring break.

Below are some general guidelines and reminders to help prevent the spread of illnesses.

  • CDC recommends getting the flu vaccine.
  • We are asking all staff and students who are feeling ill to stay home until they recover.
  • Avoid touching eyes, nose and mouth.
  • Cover coughs and sneezes with the bend of your arm not your hands.
  • Clean and disinfect surfaces or objects.
  • Wash hands often and for 20 seconds.

Guidance from the CDC for those potentially exposed to Coronavirus:

Any suspected case (with symptoms) of COVID-19 should be reported to ADH immediately at 501-537-8969 (M-F 8:00 AM – 4:30 PM) or 1-800-554-5738 (after hours and weekends). 

During these times, we are grateful for the strength and togetherness of our community. Please continue to look for further information from us on this matter.

Go Bucks!

Jason Black, Superintendent of Schools